Jul 29, 2008

Work and travel around APAC

Working as Application Consultant was not an easy job. I was working so hard at work......and for FUN too! I'm so glad that I was working with a group of kind and friendly people. We had a lot of FUN.

Working and have fun!

Joining Scala since 1998......
***Dec 1998 - Hotline started to support customers from China. It was really great experience and fun supporting ERP software in mandarin!
***1999 - Attended PR course in Sydney, Australia. We went for company trip in Phuket Island.
***2000 - Attended a Advanced PR module course in Scala University Budapest. Joined 10 days Europe Tour. It was really excited but exhausted!
***2001 - Opss..forgot? Test Camp in Budapest?
***2003 - Attended Test Camp (SM/CM) in Moscow, Russia
***2004 - Attended a SOM course in Stockolm, Sweden.
***2005 - Attended Test Camp (Hospitality) in Scala University, Budapest.